Spring Cleaning

1:27 AM

Spring is finally here (kind of?) and you know what that means.

flowers are blooming
feelings are growing
and your room is (more than likely) a mess

With spring comes along the dreadful chore of cleaning. You remember what that is, right? Probably not, but I’m here to remind you. No worries, no need to panic. We’re here to help. Keyword - help. Sadly, we can’t (nor do we want to) do the cleaning for you. But instead, we can provide helpful insight on how to jumpstart the cleaning process!

Firstly, there is something very important to know. Scrolling through tumblr I happened to find some kickass advice. It’s the 20/10 rule. By unfuckyourhabitat, this rule is something we should all live by.

The 20/10 (45/15) Rule

It’s when you do twenty minutes of cleaning (studying works for this too!) and give yourself a ten minute break in-between intervals. When using the rule, you are able to focus on few things at a time. When attacking your room at full-force, you tend to go in overdrive and eventually burn-out. When you burn-out, you end up not doing a good job. If you’re anything like me, you end up throwing all of your things in your closet or under the bed and promise yourself you’re gonna do it later (lie).

Enforcing this rule can do wonders, helping you to focus on one project at time. You can apply this rule to other sections in your life as well!

Have A Killer Playlist

Without music, it won’t be easy! Having a playlist that gets you dancing and rolling is the best way to clean. Time flies when you’re singing along to your favorite hits. You can make your own playlist, or use music apps such as Pandora, iHeartRadio, Spotify, etc. A great way to find playlists is by using 8tracks. People make song lists and you can just find one with a click of a button or a search term (chilling, cleaning, studying, etc).

Start Small

Some of us like to charge cleaning head-on, starting off with big projects that take waaaaaaay too long and we end up exhausted, sweaty and unmotivated to continue. Starting off small is the best way to prevent this. Even tackling certain areas in your room throughout the week can help. One day you can clear your desk, the other day you can clean your sheets and so on. Don’t be afraid to take your time!

Fix Your Bed First

Fixing your bed is the first thing that should be on the list. Sure, you may not like doing it as soon as you get up, but don’t leave it for last! Cleaning your bed can actually cause your room to look cleaner than before. With your bed being the biggest area in your space, it can become the biggest eyesore if not made. So do yourself a favor, fix your damn bed.

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